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For The Wicked

Top-Down Action RPG

The Industrial Revolution didn’t just stay on earth. The Heaven was industrialized when Metatron find a way to turn human faith into energy to power Machine. But as a result the faith of people also reduced and the Heaven is in the brink of collapse because of the lack of result. Diesel, the main character and also an angel of the Second Sphere, third seat of Powers who is also the one that govern over machine resource find a way to turn human spirit directly into energy. To test his theory, he decide to go to Purgatory to snatch condemned spirits away before they reach hell to experiment on them. But to his surprise, the Purgatory was overrun by tormented spirit and demons from hell. What has gone wrong? The only way was to find a lead on Shemhazai, who went missing in Purgatory while trying to pursue Azazel.

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